Climate Tech
Industry experts pocket list
Want to get some help from experts? Find the list of experts specific to your industry
Tiffany Tse , Brinc about 1 year ago
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As a startup founder, you recognize the importance of networking and building connections with industry experts. Your startup, #companyname, is looking to expand its network and connect with experts in your industry.

Please provide a list of industry experts that your startup can connect with. These experts should have a strong reputation and expertise in your industry, and be able to provide valuable insights and advice to your startup.

Consider the following points while creating your list: 1. Identify experts who have a track record of success in #industry and whose expertise aligns with your startup's goals. 2. Look for experts who have a strong social media presence or have published research or articles in industry publications. 3. Identify experts who have spoken at conferences or events related to your industry. 4. Consider connecting with experts who are alumni of your university or have a connection to your current network.

Please provide a brief description of each expert and their area of expertise, as well as any relevant contact information or social media handles.

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